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How to create AI-Assisted Content that Ranks

Published on 10/06/23 by Billy Howell


The Tagline: Anyone can create AI-assisted SEO content that ranks by following these simple rules

A recent survey says 90% of marketers are interested in using generative AI for content creation. seo survey table

So why aren’t more companies taking advantage of the technology?

There’s a HUGE knowledge gap.

SEO is a notoriously intimidating field for marketers to wade into.

Most business owners don’t even know where to begin with vanilla SEO. Add AI on top and you’re now speaking two foreign languages

like it or not “AI” is charged term.

People feel like it’s cheating or immoral to use AI and worry that others (Google included) will judge or penalize them for using it.

The good news is Google doesn’t really care.

I’d encourage you to read Google’s own guidance here

There’s too much SaaS.

There’s a zillion AI wrapper out there. Vetting each one for usefulness is a grueling process. You shouldn’t have to waste your time signing up for a new site every time you want to try a new marketing technique.

This topic is a whole blog post in its own!

What can marketers do to test AI?

Start with A/B testing blog posts and landing pages. Try generating content with @openai or @AnthropicAI.

Here comes the secret sauce

DON’T post the AI output directly to your site. Humanize the verbiage and do these three things:

  1. add three internal links
  2. add three external links
  3. add images

Congrats! You’ve created AI-assisted SEO content that will rank higher than the crummy AI content purely automated sites are using

Now it’s time to rinse and repeat. Keep posting AI and user-generated content. Over time you will learn what works.

Want to level up? Reply email me at or dm me on Twitter for a FREE pSEO checklist I use when creating AI-assisted content.

My pSEO Journey pt. 1

My pSEO Journey pt. 2

Written by Billy Howell

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