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From Blog Post to SaaS App Introducing

Published on 06/29/23 by Billy Howell

======================================================= Hi! I just launched a SaaS product @ This is part 3 of my PSEO bloggin series. Here is part 1 and part 2

The Tagline: Crush SEO by building up content targeting low volume keywords everyday in just 10 minutes.


After working in SEO content for about a year I came across this idea called Programmatic SEO (PSEO).

PSEO is the concept of using existing data or knowledge to generate hundreds of landing pages and blog posts for your business. By going after lots of low volume keywords you can dominate your niche.

Now, I knew that you could spam Google with low quality, AI-generated content. But it had never occurred to me that with programming and a little bit of human review each day you could take existing data and make it into a content factory.

So I immediately made an MVP called This database is made up of info about music production plugins. The system then makes blog posts based on the database items.

After a week, organic search traffic started trickling in. From there I refined my system and launched a second demo site.

Two weeks later I’ve got a functional website and app thanks to, Airtable and Midjourney. Clients can login and use my system all in one convenient dashboard.

we did it.

What does 10MinuteCMO do?

The app prompts you with 3 content ideas each day that you can review or edit. Then AI creates content using those ideas, which you then approve or edit again. Finally, you can schedule the content on your calendar to go live on the channels of your choice.

Of course, you can ratchet the number of daily pieces generated up or down. The idea is that you can quality control your brand voice by reviewing three pieces of content each day. If you want to spray and pray we can post 100 blogs and check analytics after a month.

What content can 10MinuteCMO create?

What do I have to do?

It’s no fun setting up database tables and automations and API keys so we do that part for you. All you need to do is spend 10 minutes a day looking at content and asking “Is this up to our quality standards?” and “Does this fit our brand voice?”

idea generator dashboard

Example blog content dashboard

Our system will learn from you feedback and decisions.

After a month you will have a mountain of SEO, blog and/or social content to publish. You can take the training wheels off at any time and take the turnkey system.

Readers of this article can get a demo tailored to their business for free! All you have to do is sign up here.

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Written by Billy Howell

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